@extends('layouts.public') @section('title', 'Personal Info') @section('content') @include('partials.registration.banner')
{{-- @{{ registry.data.options }}--}} {{--
@{{ form }}
--}} @include('fields._errors')

{{__("Let's start with the basics")}}


{!! $registry->render('op_wedding_date')->label !!}

{!! $registry->render('op_wedding_date') !!} {{__("* We will ship within 1 week of your wedding day")}}

{{__("What's your name?")}}

{!! $registry->render('op_fname') !!} {!! $registry->render('op_lname') !!}

What's your birthday?

{!! $registry->render('op_birthday') !!}
{{__("* You and your spouse must be 21 years or older to register with Lifetime Vintage")}}

{{__("What's your spouse's name?")}}

{!! $registry->render('op_spouse_fname') !!} {!! $registry->render('op_spouse_lname') !!}

What's your spouse's birthday?

{!! $registry->render('op_spouse_birthday') !!}

{{__("Let's talk logistics")}}


{{__("Where should we ship your wine?")}}

{!! $registry->render('op_address_street') !!} {!! $registry->render('op_address_unit') !!}
{!! $registry->render('op_address_city') !!} {!! $registry->render('op_address_state') !!} {!! $registry->render('op_address_zip') !!}
{{--{{__("Now shipping to California!")}}--}} {{--
--}} {{--{{__("United States coming soon.")}}--}} {{--
--}} {{__("* Must be 21 years of age and present at delivery")}} {{--
--}} {{--

{{__("Would you like help with storage?")}}

--}} {{-- {!! $registry->render('op_require_storage') !!}--}} {{--
--}} {{----}}