@extends('layouts.public') @section('title', $title) @section('content')
@{{ form }}
--}} {{--
@{{ cart }}
@include('fields._errors') @php $parties = $registry->getUser()->first_name; $spouseFirstName = $registry->op('op_spouse_fname') ?? ''; if(!empty(trim($spouseFirstName))){ $parties .= " and $spouseFirstName"; } $parties = str_possessive($parties); $isGift = ('Gift' == env('BUTTON_BUY', config('lv.button_buy', 'Gift'))); @endphp

{{__("Thank you for your gift!")}}

We will ship directly to {{ $parties }} registry address


{{__("Thank you")}}

{{-- @if($isGift)--}}

Add a personal note - @{{ registry.data.notes[0].price | currency }}

Personal Note:
(@{{ charactersRemaining(form.op_order_note, 500) }} characters remaining)

{!! $registry->render('op_order_note', ['nospan' => true]) !!}
{{-- @endif--}}

What's your name?

{!! $registry->render('op_order_fname') !!} {!! $registry->render('op_order_lname') !!}


{!! $registry->render('op_order_email') !!}

Date of birth:

{!! $registry->render('op_order_birthdate') !!}
{{__("* You (and anyone you purchase wine for) must be 21 years or older to buy at Lifetime Vintage")}}
{!! $registry->render('op_order_terms') !!}